Everest XCR - Product manual |
Wiring and Connections
INGENIA | 2020-10-01 00:04:38
9.7.3. Digital Outputs Interface
Everest XCR Servo Drive has 4 non-isolated
digital outputs. These outputs can be used to drive optocouplers, LEDs
or other digital circuits.
Number of outputs
Type of output
Push-pull output at 5 V
ESD protected.
Overload, short circuit protected
ESD capability
IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ± 15 kV (air), ± 8 kV (contact)
Maximum sink/source current
±10 mA
Unloaded output high voltage
4.5 ~ 5 V
Unloaded output low voltage
0 ~ 0.5 V
The wiring of
the digital outputs is shown next: