iG8 User Manual
The local coordinates (shown above) are the same
coordinates that were hand entered.
Click on the ‘View’ button to see the GPS coordinates
associated with the Local Coordinate:
The corresponding geodetic position is the autonomous
base point. This base point location is also saved in the
.REF file.
How do I setup on the Same Base
Point on a Subsequent Day?
The best way is to use the .REF file to insure that the base
is initialized with the exact same geodetic position that
was used on the first day.
When you return the second day, setup the base over the
EXACT same X-Y location as the first day.
The HI does not need to match. Start the Base: Equip
(tab), GPS Base: then enter the correct HI on the
‘Receiver’ tab:
When you click on the green check mark, you will go to
‘Base Configuration’ dialog. Select the ‘From Known
Position’ tab:
Then click on the ‘Read From File’ button at the bottom:
Select the same reference file (1) that you saved on the
first day, then (2) click the green check mark.