iG8 User Manual
SurvCE will report this error:
NEVER click ‘Yes’.
Always click ‘No’, find the source of the error, fix it and
try again
Furthermore, if the elevation is in error by more than 500
feet, your Base will not broadcast a position and the
right-hand LED will not blink. Bad base position
initializations have the effect of making the base appear
to ‘hang’ —correctors simply can’t be computed.
Even just the difference of the Geoid height (typically 30
to 60 feet) will severely hinder the rover’s ability to fix.
For this reason, it is important that you select the correct
elevation type (Ellipsoid or Orthometric) and enter the
matching height when you enter an elevation.
Starting a Base with Local Coordinates
“Okay, I understand that I MUST set my base to a
geodetic location that is within 200 feet of my base’s
TRUE geodetic location X, Y and Z. But I still want to set
the base at a known position (1000, 1000, 0). I swear I
can do this in other field software packages!”
You can do it in SurvCE.
Do the standard base configuration steps: ‘Equip: GPS
Base’ then configure the Current, COMS, Receiver and
RTK tabs normally.
The ‘Base Configuration’ tab is shown. Select the ‘From
Known Position’:
Then click ‘Use Local Coordinates’ and enter the
coordinates that you want the base to appear to have.
Enter your desired coordinates, then click on the green
check mark.
SurvCE will ask you what name to use for the localization
file. The default is the job name with a .LOC extension:
Click on the green check mark.
SurvCE will read the current Latitude, Longitude, Ellipsoid
Height position from the base. (In the USA this position