iG8 User Manual
will be within a couple feet of the ITRF2014 current
epoch true position.)
Click on ‘Yes’ to continue.
The base will be configured and SurvCE will ask if you
want to store a reference file:
Click on ‘Yes’
The .REF file contains the Latitude, Longitude and
Ellipsoid Height of the Ground Mark. You will need this
file to setup at this same location again. Click on the
green check mark to complete the Base configuration.
Next go to “Equip: 6 Localization: GPS (tab)”:
If you are going to use a system like (1000, 1000, 0) then
you probably want to (1) set ‘One Point Azimuth’ to
‘Geodetic’. That way the basis of bearings will be True
North at the Base Point.
Next (2) check the ‘Grid to Ground’ checkbox. SurvCE will
automatically read the base and set an appropriate
Combined Scale Factor:
Click on the green check mark to return to the Equip tab.
SurvCE will ask if you would like to reprocess the Raw