IO-Link master
The figure below shows an example configuration for the AL1000 device:
35.5 Assigning device names
Profinet uses names to address the devices�
Make sure that the device name only occurs once in the Profinet system�
► Observe the naming conventions listed below when assigning the device name�
Naming conventions
● Limited to 127 characters (letters, numbers, dash, dot)�
● A name component within the device name, i�e� a character string between two
points, may be a maximum of 63 characters long�
● No special characters such as umlauts, brackets, underscore, slash, space,
● A dash is the only special character permitted�
● The device name must not start or end with “-” or “�” characters�
● The device name must not start with numbers�
● The device name must not start with the character string “port-xyz-” (x, y, z = 0
��� 9)�
● The device name must not take the form n�n�n�n (n = 0 ��� 999)�