IO-Link master
Possible values
Substitute values for DO
0 = zero (def)
Possible values:
0 … 255dec
Specification of a substitute value
sample for the IO-Link ports in the
DO mode (pin 4)�
In order to use this parameter, the
value "Substitute values" must be
set beforehand in the parameter
"Behaviour in the event of error
for status/control module"�
Behaviour in the event of error
port 1 ��� behaviour in the event of
error port 8
0 = clear all
1 = set all
2 = hold last value
4 = IO-Link master command
Substitute value behaviour for the
output process data of the IO-Link
port in the IO-Link mode�
The "IO-Link master command"
option enables the use of IO-Link-
specific mechanisms for valid/
invalid output process data�
(def = default)