VDSL2 Gateway Router
Select SSID:
Select a SSID for configuring the security settings.
Network Authentication:
Select the WPA-PSK mode.
WPA/WAPI passphrase:
The key for WPA encryption. Click the
Click here
to display
button to display the current key. The default key is 87654321.
WPA Group Rekey Interval:
Setting the interval for renewing key.
WPA/WAPI Encryption:
You may select AES, or TKIP+AES.
Select SSID:
Select a SSID for configuring the security settings.
Network Authentication:
Select the WPA2 mode.
WPA2 Preauthentication:
Enable or disable pre-authentication.
Network Re-auth Interval:
Set the network re-auth interval.
WPA Group Rekey Interval:
Setting the interval for renewing key.