Issue 1.7
Sniffer / Active Slave
On Bus0 the output data range of an existing slave is sniffed and this data is mapped
(copied) to an active slave on Bus1. In this case data is transferred only from Bus0 to
Bus1. It is not possible to configure a Sniffer on Bus1.
Active Slave / Active Slave
On Bus0 as well as on Bus1 an active slave exists. In both directions the respective
output data range is mapped to the input data range of the assigned slave.
Settings and displayed data
: Configure the address of the slave here. In case you use a “Sniffer” this is
the address of the existing slave you want to “sniff”. When you use an “Active
Slave” a slave with this address will be generated in ibaBM-DP.
: Choose if you want to use a “Sniffer” or “Active Slave”. Additionally you can
choose “Disabled”.
: The length of the output and input address range of the slave is automatically
detected and shown here. The length is determined by the configuration of the
slave using the corresponding GSD file.
: The arrows show in which direction data is exchanged with the current set-
: Status information regarding the state of the bus system is shown here.
For configuration of the active slaves in your PROFIBUS configuration the GSD file
„ibaDPMSi.gsd“ is required. You find this file on the DVD „iba Software & Manuals“ in-
cluded in delivery in the directory
Just configure the input and output ranges required for your application. The length of
inputs and outputs do not have to match. In case the output range is shorter than the
input range the remaining input range is just unused. Its data content is undetermined.
When the output range is longer than the input range only the fitting output range is
mapped. The remaining data is discarded.
In the PROFIBUS configuration, there are certain limits for the maximum length that can
be configured for the inputs and outputs. The maximum length of the output and input
range in general is 244 bytes. Under Step 7, for example, the sum of the configured inputs
and outputs of a slave may not exceed a maximum length of 256 Bytes.