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Features of your vehicle
HD Radio
signal delay
To overcome the delay that digital sys-
tems inherently produce, HD Radio
technology first uses the audio signal of
the analog broadcasting when you tune
to an AM station or to the main channel
of a FM station. After that, the system will
blend from analog to digital signal.
Normally, this blending is very smooth. If
you experience a skip in program content
of several seconds, the radio station has
not implemented HD Radio
ing correctly. This is not a problem with
your audio system.
Due to the fact that sub channels are only
broadcasting digital, blending from analog
to digital signal is not possible if you tune
to a sub channel. In this case playback of
the sub channel starts after several sec-
onds. This is a normal function.
Automatic switching between dig-
ital and analog broadcasting
If the digital signal reception is lost, the
system switches automatically to the
analog signal. As soon as the digital sig-
nal is available again it will switch back.
Due to the fact that sub channels are
only broadcasted digital, the system
mutes playback if you have tuned to a
sub channel and the digital signal is lost.
The main line will show the message No
HD signal in place of station name.
After approximately one minute with the
digital signal lost, the system will auto-
matically tune to the analog signal of the
corresponding frequency.
Text based information
HD Radio
stations are able to broad-
cast text based information, e.g. station
name, song title and artist name. The
Driver Information System is able to dis-
play this information.
Radio display while receiving a
digital HD Radio
1. Call Sign(Station Name)
2. Channel Name(HD1=main channel,
HD2~8=sub channel)
3. Indicator for HD Radio