1022410 – 0001 Rev. 2
3–72 UMOD hardware theory of operation
generated RT clock are phase locked but are not phase coherent.
The STA and RT clocks do not have to be at the same frequency.
While in this mode, the PLL will reference the internal oscillator if there
is no station clock input.
Clock fault operation
If this clock input completely disappears, the UMOD will generate
external clock failure
condition, and the RT clock will default to
internal clock. When the clock reappears, normal operation will
For UMOD software release 2.01 or lower, when this clock input
becomes noisy or is at the wrong frequency (outside 250 ppm of
nominal), UMOD will set Fatal alarm
F12 and the receive side of
the UMOD is deactivated. The UMOD receive side will not restart
until the M&C receives a
For UMOD software release 3.03 or above, when this clock input
becomes noisy or is at the wring frequency (outside 250 ppm of
nominal), UMOD defaults to internal clock. When the clock
reappears, normal operation will resume.
Selecting the INT RCS mode uses the UMOD’s internal reference
TCXO crystal oscillator reference to generate the RT clock.
This internal mode for an RCS selection is only available for software
release 3.03 and higher.
In a loop-timed system, the far (or slave) UMOD clocks its
transmit data (SD) with the recovered receive timing signal (RT)
taken from the signal transmitted by the near (or master) UMOD.
The slave UMOD must be able to withstand variations in the
transmitted clock caused by Doppler shift, as well as other
propagation delays that occur during communications over
satellite links, otherwise synchronization with the received data
will be lost.
The UMOD’s Doppler/plesiochronous buffer allows
newly-received data to be clocked with the RxC signal recovered
from the receive data. Once loaded into the buffer, the data is held
until it can be released in synchronization with the UMOD’s or
DTE device’s timing source. Without the buffer, there would be no
way to allow for short-term fluctuations between the receive and
transmit clock.
Internal receive clock