Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6 Function Introduction
HD5L Series Controller User Manual V1.4
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
UPS running direction auto-determine enable
0 - 4 [0]
0: Not enable.
1: Enable. In the UPS mode, HD5L will not run in the direction given by the terminal and auto-detemine the
the elevator light-load running direction. In the UPS mode, HD5L will automatically up, and down, and then
run according to the light-load direction of detemining.
2: UPS running judges its direction in according with encoder direction.
3: UPS running judges its direction in according with current.
4: UPS running judges its direction in according with encoder direction(no start compensation and
zero-speed keeping).
Note: Method 2 and 4 must use closed loop vector control (F00.01 = 2).
Running minimum current limit
0 - 100 (F07.11) [20%]
Running minimum detect time
0.0 - 5.0 [0.0s]
When the elevator run current is less than F16.14 and duration exceed F16.05, HD5L will alarm E0025 fault
(too small running current).
Governor fault detection time
0.0 - 2.0 [1.0s]
When the detection terminal of governor detects signal and exceed F16.16, HD5L alarms E0037 fault
(governor fault).
DC braking current at stop
0 - 150 [100%]
Starting frequency of DC braking current at stop
0.20 - 10.00 [0.50Hz]
Brake release frequency
0.00 - 10.00 [0.00Hz]
F16.20 - F16.24 Unused
F17: Fault Protect Parameters
Motor overheat fault (F17.00 - F17.02)
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Input voltage at motor overheat
0.00 - 10.00 [0.00V]
F17.01 Thermistor
0 - 2 [0]
0: Not detect the motor overheat (NC).
1: Positive charateristic (PTC).
When AI4 input exceeds F17.00, HD5L alarms E0020 fault (motor overheat).
2: Negative charateristic (NTC).
When AI4 input is less than F17.00, HD5L alarms E0020 fault (motor overheat).
Note: Only when correctly set CN2 and CN3 of I/O board can do the motor overheat detection.
Threshold resistance at motor overheat
0.0 - 10.0 [5.0kΩ]