firmware image file to the router’s
directory. To activate
the new firmware, you must reboot the router.
Example 1:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> image cleanup
Example 2:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> image list
Image Location Image File
-------------- ----------
Blade 1 (local) isr-6200-3_0_0_5.bin
Example 3:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> image unpack HP_StorageWorks_MPX200-2_0_0_1.bin
Unpack Completed. Please reboot the system for FW to take effect.
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot the System (y/n): y
System will now be rebooted...
Adds, modifies, or removes an initiator in the router’s database.
Admin session
Adds an initiator to the router’s database.
Modifies the settings of an initiator.
Removes a logged-out initiator. You cannot remove an initiator
that is currently logged in.
Example 1:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> initiator add
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow. Enter a
new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value. If you
wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list press 'q' or
'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
Only valid iSCSI name characters will be accepted. Valid characters include
lower-case alphabetical (a-z), numerical (0-9), colon, hyphen, and period.
iSCSI Initiator Name (Max = 223 characters) [ ]
OS Type (0=MS Windows, 1=Linux, 2=Other) [MS Windows ]
All attribute values that have been changed will now be saved.
Example 2:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> initiator mod
Index (WWNN,WWPN/iSCSI Name)
----- ----------------------
Please select an Initiator from the list above ('q' to quit): 0
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow. Enter a
new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value. If you
wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list press 'q' or
'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
OS Type (0=MS Windows, 1=Linux, 2=Other) [MS Windows ]
All attribute values that have been changed will now be saved.
Example 3:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> initiator remove
Index Status (WWNN,WWPN/iSCSI Name)
----- ------ ----------------------
Commands 163