DM heat sink 136
DM memory 131
DM processor 137
DM solid-state drive 143
DM speaker 126
DM WLAN antennas 152
DM WLAN module 141
MT drive power cable 58
MT front USB panel 59
MT heat sink 61
MT power supply 66
MT processor 62
MT rear chassis fan 65
MT speaker 63
MT system board 68
SFF baffle 101
SFF drive power cable 100
SFF front bezel 73
SFF front I/O, power switch
assembly 103
SFF heat sink 109
SFF hood sensor 102
SFF power supply 114
SFF power switch 106
SFF processor 112
SFF speaker 108
SFF system board 116, 148
system board 116, 148
2.5-inch hard drive 98
3.5-inch hard drive 95
battery 133
bezel blanks 75
hard drive 53, 123
media card reader 88
MT access panel 37
MT battery blank 40
MT bezel blank 39
MT expansion card 45
MT front bezel 38
optical drive 51
SFF battery 76
SFF expansion card 81
slim optical drive 92
CMOS 208
password jumper 208
restoring the hard drive, Windows
restoring the hard drive, Windows
8.1 214
safety and comfort 168
safety precautions
cleaning 31
connectors on system board 34
data cable pinouts 34
hard drive characteristics 34
SATA data cable
illustrated 12, 19
SATA date cable, SFF
illustrated 19
SATA drive cable, MT
illustrated 12
SATA drive cable, SFF
illustrated 19
SATA power cable, DM
illustrated 25
screws, correct size 33
front bezel 74
serial number locations 9
serial port
illustrated 16, 23
service considerations 32
Setup password 209, 210
setup password 208
baffle removal and
replacement 101
disassembly preparation 72
drive power cable removal and
replacement 100
front bezel removal and
replacement 73
front I/O, power switch assembly
removal and replacement 103
heat sink removal and
replacement 109
hood sensor removal and
replacement 102
power supply removal and
replacement 114
power switch removal and
replacement 106
preparation for disassembly 72
processor removal and
replacement 112
speaker removal and
replacement 108
system board removal and
replacement 116, 148
problems 198
servicing computer 32
solenoid lock
illustrated 14
solenoid lock, SFF
illustrated 21
solid-state drive
DM removal and replacement
solid-state drives
sizes 15, 22, 49, 85, 123
DM removal and replacement
MT removal and replacement 63
SFF removal and replacement
speaker, DM
illustrated 26
speaker, MT
illustrated 14
speaker, SFF
illustrated 21
computer 228, 230, 231
memory 42, 78, 129
stand, SFF
illustrated 21
static electricity 28
system board
illustrated 11, 17, 24
MT removal and replacement 68
removal and replacement 116,
SATA connectors 34
SFF removal and replacement
116, 148
System Recovery using Windows 7
recovery media 221
System Recovery, Windows 7 220
system restore points, creating
Windows 7 217
System Restore, Windows 7 219
Index 235