62 Troubleshooting the HP Jetdirect Print Server
Procedure 3: Resolving Printer Display Error
Try to isolate the problem to either the printer or the print server.
1. Disconnect the print server from the printer. Does the same
error message appear on the printer?
See your printer documentation for a complete list of control
panel messages and corrective actions.
Procedure 4: Resolving Printer Communication
Problems with the Network
Check the following items to verify that the printer is communicating
with the network.
This information assumes you have already
printed a configuration page.
1. Is there any physical connection problems between the
workstation or file server and the HP Jetdirect print server?
Verify network cabling, connections, and router configurations.
2. Are your network cables connected properly?
Make sure that the printer is attached to the network using the
appropriate HP Jetdirect print server port and cable. Check
each cable connection to make sure it is secure and in the right
place. If the problem continues, try a different cable or ports on
the switch, hub or transceiver.
3. Have any software applications been added to the network?
Make sure they are compatible and that they are installed
correctly with the correct printer drivers. Refer to the
appropriate chapter for your network operating system to verify
the connection.
4. Are other users able to print?
The problem may be workstation specific. Check the
workstation network drivers, printer drivers, and redirection
(capture in Novell NetWare).
5. If other users are able to print, are they using the same network
operating system?
Check your system for proper network operating system setup.