8024GPS - GPS Sync Module - V02.00
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Elektronik GmbH
Nottebohmstr. 41
• D-58511 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: +49 (0)2351 9386-86 • Fax: +49 (0)2351 9386-93 • Internet: http://www.hopf.com • E-Mail: [email protected]
1. Serial Interface- 01
Serial Interface Parameter
9600 / 8 / n /1
String Output
binär String
Time Base
Output Scheme
Without second forerun /
immediate Control character
Every Second
Spezielle Einstellungen
All deactivated
2. Parameter Setting - 01
Param A
All deactivated
Param B
All deactivated
Param C
All deactivated
Param D
All deactivated
After the module has been reset to the DEFAULT values, the GPS receiver
requires after the initial setting of the difference time and the daylight saving
changeover times up to 13 minutes of continuous satellite reception to
determine the correct leap second information from the GPS data. The
Module 8024GPS can only synchronize after this has been done.
The following message appears on the error display during this period:
GPS-Receiver in raw data mode
– no synchronization