Rev. D
Privacy zones are used so an operator cannot view the scene where the camera
lens is positioned. Whenever an operator positions the camera so that any portion of
a programmed privacy zone would be visible in the video, the video blanks and the
title of the privacy zone is outputted on the video signal. If any portion of more than
one privacy zone would be visible, the title of the lowest numbered zone is displayed.
If a unit is sent to a PreShot that has been programmed so that any portion of a
privacy zone would be visible, the PreShot title and the privacy zone title are
displayed on the monitor and the video is blanked. If a unit is sent to a PreShot and
any portion of a privacy zone would be visible while traveling to the PreShot, the
video is blanked when any portion of a privacy zone would be visible.
The KD6i stores the privacy zone data in nonvolatile Flash memory which will save
the data when the KD6i is not powered. If privacy zones have been programmed
and the unit loses power, the video is blanked upon power-up until the unit finds
home to prevent any privacy zones being visible. Any command to move the KD6i
causes the unit to find home. You can also press F9 on the KBD-100A keyboard or
OPT 2 on the joystick controller to find home. If any portion of a privacy zone would
be visible when the unit is at its home position, the video remains blank until the
operator manually moves the unit so that no portion of a privacy zone would be