Section V. Parameter Function Table
Up command
When command source is set as “Digital Setup”, the
increase or decrease of the set frequency is implemented
through the external terminal.
DOWN command
Free stop
When this terminal command is valid, meaning that the
inverter locks the output, the load will free stop according
to the mechanical inertia.this way is the same withF6.10
Fault reset(RESET)
When this terminal command is valid, inverter’s fault can
be reset. It has the same function with RESET key on the
keyboard.This function can realize remote fault reset.
Operation suspended
Inverter decelerates to stop, but all operation parameters
are memorized. E.g
PLC parameter, swing frequency
parameter, PID parameter. When this terminal signal
disappeared, inverter restored to running status as before.
External default normally
open input
When the inverter detects that the signal occurs , it will
report “15=Err15” fault, and handle the fault according to
the fault protection action mode.(Please refer to F9.47 for
Multi-stage speed terminal1
The setting of 16-segment speeds can be realized by the
combinations of the terminal status when the frequency
source is “MS Speed”. Refer to schedule 1 for details.
Multi-stage speed terminal2
Multi-stage speed terminal3
Multi-stage speed terminal4
Acc./dec.time selection
terminal 1
It can realize 4 kinds of acc./dec. selection mode by 4
combination status of this 2 terminals.For details please
refer to schedule2.
Acc./dec.time selection
terminal 2
Frequency source switching
It is used to switch to choose different frequency sources.
It realizes switching between 2 kinds of frequency
sources according to the setup of F0.07.
UP/DOWN setup
reset(terminal and
When the frequency source is given as “Digital Setup”
and the terminal command is valid, it can clear the
frequency values changed through keyboard or terminals
UP/DOWN and restore the reference frequency to the
setup value of “Preset Frequency"( F0.08).
Running command
switching terminal
When command source is set to terminal control
(F0.02=1), the terminal could realize switching between
terminal control and keyboard control.
When command source is set to communication
control(F0.02=2), the terminal could realize switching
between communication control and keyboard control.
Acc./dec forbidden
When this terminal command is valid, it can maintain the
current frequency output while stopping.
PID pause
PID temporary invalid, the inverter maintains the current
frequency output and no longer taking PID adjustment of
frequency source.
PLC status reset
When this terminal command is valid, it clears the
memorized PLC running phase and running time, and
restores to the initial status of PLC running.