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Your Optic 6 system is quite unique, utilizing a special Throttle Lock function. This feature is
a significant safety feature in that it is possible to prevent accidental bumping of the throttle,
which might lead to an accident. The use of the Throttle Lock feature is quite easy. Location
of the Throttle Lock button is on the lower right side of the transmitter face, marked “Lock”.
To activate the Throttle Lock, simply depress the Lock button once. The “LOCK” message
will appear on the LCD display, indicating that the throttle lock is active and holding the
position of the throttle setting when the lock was activated. With the Throttle Lock active, the
throttle control stick is disabled and the throttle will not respond to your command. To
deactivate the Throttle Lock, simply depress the Lock button once again. The LOCK message
on the LCD display will disappear, indicating that Throttle Lock is no longer active.
CAUTION! When deactivating the Throttle Lock function, it is wise to move the throttle stick to
the idle position. This will prevent accidental advancement of the throttle and acceleration of
the powerplant.
Let’s try using the Throttle Lock feature on a common nitro powered aircraft. With the engine
already running, bring the throttle stick to the idle position. Now, depress the Lock button
once. The Throttle Lock feature should be activated. Confirm this by viewing the LCD display
and finding the LOCK message on the screen. Now, move the throttle to accelerate the engine.
With the Throttle Lock ON, no acceleration should occur. Return the throttle stick back to idle
and depress the Lock button once again. The LOCK message on the LCD display should
disappear and the throttle stick should now function normally.
On electric powered aircraft, this is a very important safety feature. In use, you would bring the
throttle stick to the idle position and activate the Throttle Lock. Now you may plug in your
main motor battery and turn the receiver switch ON to activate the aircraft radio system. All
functions except throttle should work normally. When you are completely ready to fly and
have assured yourself of all safety precautions, check the throttle stick to see that is it in the idle
position and then depress the Lock button to deactivate the Throttle Lock feature. With
Throttle Lock activated, your electric motor will not accelerate out of control as the throttle
function is safely locked at the OFF position. Deactivating the Throttle Lock will return the
throttle function to normal.
CAUTION: Always check an electric powered aircraft for safe
operation before and after connecting the main battery pack for power. Check the motor
operation for proper direction and power levels before take-off.