Your Optic 6 has the ability to allow the user to assign certain functions to a switch position of
your choice. This allows the pilot to be more comfortable with the Optic transmitter by placing
the option used most often in a switch position most favored by the pilot. The following
functions may be assigned to a different switch position:
Aileron-to-Rudder Mix
Elevator-to-Flap Mix
Camber Mix
CROW Mixing
Landing Mix
Program Mixer 1
Program Mixer 2
When programming your Optic 6 for various mixing options, you will have the choice of
having the mixing circuit ON at all times, or to allow you to turn the mixing option on or off as
needed while in flight by simply flipping a switch. Let’s run through an example of assigning a
mixing option to a switch that is not the default switch location. In this case, let’s select the
Aileron-to-Rudder (A/R) mixing circuit.
Enter into the Menu Function screen by depressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys at once
and then use either the UP or DOWN Edit key to scroll through the menu options until you
arrive at the S/W SEL screen. This screen is a bit different from the other option screens in that
the screen name is very small and place about in the center of the screen. An additional
message simply says MX.55 and has no value. Notice the four number symbols along the top
of the screen. These represent the switches on the Optic 6 transmitter that may be used during
this operation. Use the Data (-) or (+) keys to move through the mixer options to make a switch
selection. Let’s find the Aileron-to-Rudder mixing option by pressing the (-) Data key until the
A->R screen is displayed. Note that there should be an arrow indicator above the number 4
symbol on the top of the screen. This indicates that Switch 4 on the Optic 6 transmitter is being
used to toggle the mixing option ON or OFF. Switch 4, (SW-4) is located on the top right side
of the Optic 6 transmitter. SW-4 is a three way switch and the middle position is ST-1, the
forward position is ST-2 and the rearward position is NOR, or normal position. You may scroll
through the switches available to use for selecting the activation of the A->R mixer by pressing
the < or > Cursor buttons and the arrow indicator will move from one switch number to the
next. On SW-4, the arrow indicator will remain there for three presses of the Cursor button
while the switch position indicator appears at the bottom of the screen. In this exercise, we will
assign the A/R Mix to SW-2 by pressing the RIGHT cursor key until the arrow indicator
remains above the Number 2 symbol. That’s all there is to it and the Aileron-to-Rudder mixing
activation is now handled by SW-2, located on the front left panel of the Optic 6 transmitter.
You may also program the Optic 6 to may the mixing option permanent for this model by using
the < or > Cursor button until the On message appears next to the A->R message. This means
that when you return the Optic 6 to the normal transmitting mode for flying, the mixing circuit
will be on at all times and unable to be turned off in flight. In many cases, this is desirable. To
exit the Switch Select screen, depress both the UP and DOWN Edit keys at once.