With the receiver ON, move the right side aileron stick on the transmitter to check the direction
of movement from both ailerons. If you give a right turn, the Right Aileron should rise and the
Left Aileron should drop. If this is correct, then you have no changes to make. However, if the
right aileron moves downward instead, you will need to reverse the direction by programming a
negative value for this servo. Use the Data (-) or (+) keys to change the values as needed to
correct the value and reverse the servos as needed. Before moving to the flap portion, make
sure the ailerons move in the correct direction with the transmitter sticks.
Now, press the Cursor Right key so that the Master indicator arrow is placed above the Channel
6 symbol and the Slave indicator arrow is below the Channel 6 symbol. This will put you into
the Flap programming mode. The flaps are operated by the right side Lever switch of your
Optic 6 transmitter. Make sure the switch is in the UP position at this time. Both ailerons
should be centered on the wings, and if not, use your Sub-Trim function to center the ailerons.
Once centered, move the Right Lever switch downward to make the flaps move down as well.
Both should drop at the same time with your Lever switch movement. If one or the other
moves upward, then you must reverse the direction by changing the value of the flap program.
With the Slave indicator arrow under Channel 6, a change to the value will affect only Channel
6, or the left Aileron/Flap. If you need to change Channel 1, the right side, then press the
Cursor Right key once and the Slave indicator arrow should move under the Channel 1 symbol.
Make your changes using the Data (-) or (+) keys. Program in the amount of flap deflection
you need with the screen values. Your Flaperon programming is complete and you may exit
this function by depressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys at once.
Elevator to flap mixing is normally used to increase the lift of the wing when pulling UP on the
elevator, but has come into popular use with new 3-D and Fun-Fly type models that take
advantage of high lift situations to perform fast and tight maneuvers. You may use this
function alone or in conjunction with the Flaperon mixing option. If you use the flaperons
mixer, the ailerons will move as flaps using the Elevator to Flap mixer. This is especially
useful for 3-D models where high-alpha stunts are performed and the model does not have
separate flaps. Let’s set up a typical 3-D bird using elevator to flap mixing.
First, we must insure that both ailerons use a separate servo for each side of the wing. Now,
activate the Elevator to Flap mixer (E
F) option by entering into the Menu Functions screen
by depressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys at the same time and then scroll UP or
DOWN until you reach the E
F menu option. It will say it is inhibited as the default, and you
may activate it by pressing the CLEAR key once. Once activated, you will find the ON notice
flashing to show the option is working at this time. If not, use the three-way SW-4 switch on
the top right of the Optic 6 transmitter to turn the function ON or OFF. In the ON position, you
may add the amount of flap mixing you feel necessary for your aircraft. Let’s program a sport
Fun-Fly type model using the Elevator to Flap mixer.
In this exercise, make sure you have your aircraft set-up with a servo for each aileron and
Channel 1 assigned to the Right aileron servo and Channel 6 assigned to the Left aileron servo.
Activate the Elevator to Flap option as described above and then turn on the receiver with the