Right Cursor one more time to place the indicator arrow over the Channel 6 symbol to program
the flaps. The flaps should drop downward and you may program the desired amount of flap
throw as necessary to get the effect you need. Your preliminary programming is complete and
you may exit the programming screen by pressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys at once.
In the field, you will most likely need to adjust the CROW mix to suit your needs. When
flying, carefully deploy the CROW mixer and watch the attitude of the model in flight. If the
nose pitches upward, you will need to add more DOWN elevator mix. If the model drops its’
nose when flaps are deployed, they you have too much DOWN elevator mix and requires you
to decrease the amount of elevator mix. Continue to adjust this until there is no change noticed
when using the CROW mix. If you find the model need a better glide in the CROW mode,
decrease the amount of UP aileron mixing to extend the glide. If the model doesn’t come down
fast enough in the level glide, then you need to increase the amount of UP aileron in the mix.
Adjust the mix completely until you feel comfortable with the results. You have just completed
one of most sophisticated mixing options used in the field! Congratulations!
Camber control adds a bit of additional lift to a wing to perform things like a short field take-
off or to increase the glide capability of a sailplane. This differs from the flap only function in
that camber control also affects the ailerons and elevator to increase the overall effect. In this
option, you must have two aileron servos, and a single flap servo or two servos using a “Y”
connector for the flaps. With the ailerons, you may mix Channel 1 and Channel 5 with the
Aileron Differential option activated. You may also simply plug the Left aileron into Channel
5 and mix this channel into Channel 1 using one of your free mix programs.
Let’s setup a model using Camber Control, and in this case a sailplane with separate flaps and
ailerons. Hook up Channel 1 to the Right aileron, Channel 5 to the Left aileron, Channel 6 to
the flaps and Channel 2 to elevator. Enter into the Menu Functions screen by depressing both
the UP and DOWN Edit keys at once and then use the UP or DOWN key to scroll to the
Camber Control (CAMB) option screen. The default is the “CAMB Inh” screen and to activate
the option, press the CLEAR button once. This will open the CAMB function screen, with the
ON/OFF symbol flashing on the left of the screen and the channels to be programmed shown
across the top of the screen. To turn the CAMB option ON, push the SW-4 switch located at
the top right of your Optic 6. The screen should show the option in the ON position. Now,
turn on your receiver in the model. Press the Right cursor button once and the programming
arrow will be above Channel 1, indicating this channel will be programmed now. Using the (-)
or (+) Data keys, you may now adjust the Right aileron position. Because a sailplane is
normally sensitive to camber adjustments, you would need to program in about 1/16-inch of
downward movement on the ailerons. If you used Aileron Differential, Channel 5 will also
appear on the screen, and this will be used to program the Left aileron to the matching
downward position of the Right aileron. Now place the Programming arrow over Channel 2.
With an increase in lift on the wing, the nose of the model may pitch upward when Camber is
used. You may program in a small amount of Down elevator, if necessary, to compensate for
any pitching effect. Now move the programming arrow over Channel 6, Flaps. Adjust the
flaps such that they match the amount of downward movement as the ailerons. Now, flip the