aileron servos active. Now, pull back on the elevator stick with the Elevator to Flap option ON.
Notice the LCD screen shows the L/U symbol, indicating that you will be programming the UP
elevator portion and you should have the flaps dropping down at the same time. With full
elevator stick pulled in, change the percentage of flap mixing using the Data (-) or (+) keys.
Let’s start with 30%. Now, when you pull back on the elevator, the flaps should drop down
with the elevator going up. This is correct and will allow tighter pitch maneuvers. Now, push
the elevator stick forward for DOWN elevator and program the desired amount of flaps in.
When completed, you should have up flaps with down elevator and down flaps with up
elevator. If so, then you have successfully programmed your Elevator to Flap options.
CROW Mixing is used to dramatically slow down a aircraft in flight as well as increase the
sink rate of the aircraft for short field landing or spot landings. This option is used when the
aircraft has ailerons and flaps on the wings and combines the use of ailerons, flaps and elevator
controls. Many sailplanes and fun-fly type models use this type of option. (CROW is also
called “Butterfly” mixing).
To use the CROW mixer on the Optic 6, make sure that Channel 1 is used for the Right aileron,
Channel 5 is used for the Left aileron, and Channel 6 is the flap control. Note that right slider
switch on the transmitter will also move the flaps separately if the Flap Trim is not set to zero.
Let’s set up a model using the CROW mixing function.
In this case, the model we are going to program will be a fun-fly type model. Note that a
Sailplane will be set-up similarly. With the servos assigned to the receiver plugs as shown
above, let’s begin programming. Enter the Menu Functions screen by depressing both the UP
and DOWN Edit keys at once and then use the Edit keys to scroll to the CROW option screen.
The default screen is the inhibited screen and you may activate the function by pressing the
CLEAR key once. This will bring you to the active programming screen with the ON or OFF
indicator flashing on the left of the screen and the channels to be programmed shown in the
center of the screen. You may turn the CROW mixer ON or OFF using SW-2 on the upper left
face of the transmitter. Let’s leave it ON for now. The LEFT slider switch is used to work the
CROW mode in flight, making this a linear response to your command. Let’s bring that lever
all the way downward for programming. Now, press the RIGHT cursor key once and you will
notice the arrow indicator is now placed over Channel 1, ailerons, for programming. Use the (-
) or (+) Data keys to adjust the Right aileron as needed for CROW mix. Normally, this means
the aileron should raise up about 15 to 20 degrees. Raising the ailerons will increase the sink
rate of the wing and you may adjust this on the aircraft to suit your needs in the sink rate. Once
set, press the Right cursor key once. This will allow you to now set the elevator rate.
Normally, when you drop the flaps on a model, the nose of the plane will tend to rise up, or
balloon. Down elevator is used to compensate for this and the proper amount of elevator
compensation is a trial and error situation. For now, start with about 10 to 15 degrees of
DOWN elevator. Remember this is only a starting point is most likely incorrect. Only flight
testing will allow you to program the proper amount of elevator compensation. Now, press the
Right cursor key to place the arrow indicator over the Channel 5 symbol, which is the Left
aileron. Program this aileron to match the direction and angle of the Right aileron. Press the