Hitec Optic 6
Supplemental System Programming Manual
This System Handling manual is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of
your new Hitec Optic 6 system. There are many features and options to select from within the Optic 6
System, and if the Optic 6 is your first computer controlled radio system, you may be overwhelmed by
the variety of features presented by the Optic. By reading through this System Handling Manual, you
will become much more familiar with how the system works, and how to get the most from it.
Please note that for the advanced modeler, some of the explanations presented here may be
common knowledge to you, and therefore may seem redundant to review. The information will be
presented in an explanatory manner, beginning with the radio system in the normal transmitting mode,
and then brought forward to the feature being explained, just as you would in the field. By using this
format, you can zip right on over to the desired feature you wish to find out about without having to
remember everything about what was written in the pages before. We will not present basic
information on the radio system, as this is covered in-depth with the Hitec System Instruction Manual.
System Modes
The Optic 6 is capable of being programmed for acrobatic models, as well as for helicopters
and most gliders. Each mode has dedicated features to assist with the set-up of that particular type of
model. Most modelers will use the Acro mode in many cases, and this mode will provide a multitude
of options for a wide variety of model types. Aircraft which use V-tails, flying wings using elevons,
larger models using two ailerons servos in a discreet manner, and scale models which mix the rudder to
ailerons are all accommodated in the Acro mode. Additionally, aircraft equipped with flaps can be
employed using the Optic 6’s Landing Mixing options. And, you have two free-mix programs in the
system, allowing you to mix any two channels together from one control input.
For you Helicopter fans, the Optic 6 can provide pitch and throttle curves, high and low rev
mixing, throttle-to-rudder (tail rotor) mixing, adjustable gyro settings, and even 120-degree CCPM
head mixing.
Accessing the system mode is made easy with the Optic 6. With the radio turned OFF, depress
both the UP and DOWN Edit keys at the same time and then turning the power switch to the Optic 6 to
the ON positions while still holding the Edit keys. Your instruction manual calls this the Model Set-
Up Functions section, and the following selections can be made:
Model Selection (8 models in memory)
Model Name (5 characters only)
Model Type (Acro/Glider or Helicopter)
Swashplate Type (for helicopters only)
Copy Model (to copy one set-up to another memory location)
Shift Direction (to change signal shift type, positive or negative)
Modulation (either PPM or QPCM)
Mode (for transmitter stick Mode I or Mode II)
Time Setup (the Optic’s two self timers)
Reset Memory (to reset a memory position to factory defaults)