In operation at the field, the Throttle Cut function will allow you to set the idle and high speed
settings of your engine as you wish, and should effectively kill the engine when the button is
depressed without touching the throttle trim setting. It will work independently of the trim
CAUTION: Make sure that when setting up the Throttle Cut function that the servo is
not stalled by forcing it beyond the limits of the throttle body on the engine or the pushrod
ends. All movement by the servo should easily accomplished without stalling the servo.
Programmable mixing is the ability to mix two channels together to perform a common task.
This is an important feature to learn, as without the ability to mix channels, many of the
advanced features on the Optic 6 cannot be performed. Your Optic 6 has two programmable
mixing circuits, and each is a separate operation, although it is possible for one mixing circuit
to affect another mixing circuit. Remember that when using a mixing circuit, you must always
specify which channel is a MASTER channel, and which channel is a SLAVE channel. The
Master channel is the control circuit that the Slave channel follows.
To use the Programmable mixers, enter into the Menu Functions program by depressing both
the two Edit keys at once, and then use the UP or DOWN Edit keys to get to the PMX1
function. Once there, you will need to activate the Programmable Mixing option by pressing
the CLEAR key once. This will bring you to the active Programmable Mixing screen. On the
display, you will notice that all channels of control are displayed and there is a small indicator
cursor above the channels and below the channels. The top indicator cursor is for the Master
Channel indication, while the lower arrow is for the Slave Channel indication. Use the Cursor
> or Cursor < key to get the Master indicator to begin flashing. This means that you may now
select the Master channel you need. Use the (+) or (-) key to select the Master Channel.
Pressing on the > cursor key will cause the Slave indicator to begin flashing, meaning you may
now select the channel to be slaved. Again the (+) or (-) cursor key will allow you to select the
channel for slaving. Note that you cannot slave the same two channels. Press the > cursor key
to highlight the L/U or R/D indicator to the right side as well as the % sign. This means you
are ready to begin setting the amount of mixing the Slave will perform in relation to the Master.
The amount of mixing can be set between a value of –100% to +100% in relation to the master
channels’ movement. Let’s mix something very common to models, this being the use of two
servos to move the ailerons.
In this example, a common set-up has a servo working one aileron each. Connecting to the
receiver, you could use a “Y” connecting wire, but this would not allow you to use other
options. So, let us connect the left aileron servo to Channel one (1) on the receiver and the
right side aileron servo to Channel 6 of the receiver. It does not matter which way the servos
are facing in relation to the aileron control surfaces, as you can reverse them during the set-up.
Now, enter into the Menu Functions program by depressing both the UP and DOWN Edit keys
at the same time. Now scroll to the PMX1 option and activate the function by pressing the
CLEAR button once. Use the (-) or (+) cursor key to select Channel 1, aileron as the Master
channel, and then press the > key to select the Slave indicator. Select channel 6 as the slave
channel. You have now made your Master and Slave relationship. At this point, the default