IP Address (CTL 1)
Enter the IP address for controller 1.
Accept the default IPv4 setting or click
IPv6, and then enter the IP address in
the appropriate format for the
addressing method selected.
IP Address (CTL 2)
Enter the IP address for controller 2.
Accept the default IPv4 setting or select
IPv6, and then click the IP address in
the appropriate format for the
addressing method selected.
System Name
Enter the display name of the storage
system, up to 180 characters. Permitted
characters are one-byte alphanumeric
characters and symbols (# $ % & ' * +
- . / = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~). You cannot use
one-byte spaces.
Enter the description of the storage
system, up to 180 characters.
User Name
Enter a user name. Permitted
characters are one-byte alphanumeric
characters and symbols (# $ % & ' * +
- . / = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~). The GUI includes
a 256-character limit.
Enter a password. The GUI includes a
256-character limit.
Do not start service after addition
Select if you do not want to start service
after adding the storage system.
(Default is unchecked.)
1. Service personnel set the storage system information manually. User should
not select Manual to set it.
2. To register multiple storage systems, best practice is to check this check box for
the settings so that they do not start services while they are added.
9. Click Apply.
The storage system is added to the target storage systems list window.
Registering the storage system on the SVP
Chapter 16: Deleting and registering the storage system
Service Processor Technical Reference