b. In the Network Settings window, click Set Up Network Settings.
c. Set the IP address for controller 1 and controller 2.
d. Click Apply.
8. Click Log Out to close the maintenance utility.
9. Change the storage system IP address in the Storage Device List window.
10. Set the SVP IP address.
11. Change the SVP IP address in the Storage Device List.
12. If you assigned a temporary IP address to the client PC, change it to meet the
subnet of your network environment.
Note: If you encounter a problem, troubleshoot the spanning tree
Changing storage system information in the Storage Device
1. In the Storage Device List window, click the Edit button for the storage system you
want to edit.
The Edit System window opens.
Changing storage system information in the Storage Device List
Chapter 12: Changing the storage IP address
Service Processor Technical Reference