IrDA Operation
Figure 16-21 is a block diagram of the IrDA.
When the IrE bit of IrCR is set to enable the IrDA function, the TxD0/RxD0 signals of SCI
channel 0 are encoded and decoded with waveforms conforming to the IrDA standard version 1.0
(IrTxD/IrRxD pins). Connecting these to an infrared transmitter/receiver allows the realization of
infrared transmission and reception conforming to an IrDA standard version 1.0 system.
In an IrDA standard version 1.0 system, communication is initiated at a transfer rate of 9600bps.
The rate is subsequently varied as required. The IrDA interface of this LSI does not have an
internal function for automatically varying the transfer rate. The transfer rate must be varied using
Pulse encoder
Pulse decoder
Figure 16-21 IrDA Block Diagram
(1) Transmission
When transmitting, the signal (UART frame) output from the SCI is converted by the IrDA
interface into an IR frame (see Figure 16-22).
When the value of the serial data is “0”, a High pulse that has 3/16ths the width of the bit rate (the
duration of 1 bit width) is output (default). Note that the High pulse can also be changed by
altering the settings of IrCR IrCKS2 to IrCKS0.
As per the standard, the High pulse width is a minimum of 1.41 µs, the maximum is (3/16 + 2.5%)
bit rate, or (3/16
bit rate) + 1.08 µs. With a 20MHz system clock ø, the minimum High pulse
width can be set to 1.6 µs, which is greater than the 1.41 µs required by the standard.