Section 6 PC Break Controller (PBC)
The PC break controller (PBC) provides functions that simplify program debugging. Using these
functions, it is easy to create a self-monitoring debugger, enabling programs to be debugged with
the chip alone, without using an in-circuit emulator. Four break conditions can be set in the PBC:
instruction fetch, data read, data write, and data read/write.
The PC break controller has the following features:
Two break channels (A and B)
The following can be set as break compare conditions:
24 address bits
Bit masking possible
Bus cycle
Instruction fetch
Data access: data read, data write, data read/write
Bus master
Either CPU or CPU/DTC can be selected
The timing of PC break exception handling after the occurrence of a break condition is as
Immediately before execution of the instruction fetched at the set address (instruction fetch)
Immediately after execution of the instruction that accesses data at the set address (data
Module stop mode can be set
The initial setting is for PBC operation to be halted. Register access is enabled by clearing
module stop mode.