Digital Video Recorder User Manual
The capture is supported by DS-7300/8100/9000HUHI-F/N series DVR only.
Holiday recording schedule configuration;
Cycle and non-cycle recording modes;
Normal and event video encoding parameters;
Multiple recording types: manual, continuous, alarm, motion, motion | alarm, motion &
alarm and Event;
Support POS triggered recording for DS-7300/8100HQHI-F/N and
DS-7300/8100/9000HUHI-F/N series DVR;
8 recording time periods with separated recording types;
Support Channel-Zero encoding;
Main stream and sub-stream configurable for simultaneous recording;
Pre-record and post-record for motion detection triggered recording, and pre-record time
for schedule and manual recording;
Searching record files and captured pictures by events (alarm input/motion detection);
Customization of tags, searching and playing back by tags;
Locking and unlocking of record files;
Local redundant recording and capture;
Searching and playing back record files by camera number, recording type, start time, end
time, etc.;
Smart playback to go through less effective information;
Main stream and sub-stream selectable for local/remote playback;
Zooming in for any area when playback;
Multi-channel reverse playback;
Supports pause, fast forward, slow forward, skip forward, and skip backward when playback,
locating by dragging the mouse on the progress bar;
4/8/16-ch synchronous playback;
Manual capture, continuous capture of video images and playback of captured pictures.
Export data by a USB, and SATA device;
Export video clips when playback;