PCL 600
Operators Manual
v 2.0
5 Operating the machine
Before starting the machine
Make sure the machine and the area around the machine is clean and free of tools and other obstacles.
Make sure you wear the correct personal protection equipment (PPE) as described in chapter 2.3.
Make sure all gasses for the cutting process are available and connected to the machine.
Make sure the clamps in the cutting cell are clean and moving smoothly.
Starting up the machine
Switch on the main power (on the side of the conveyor control unit cabinet). This is only
the first time you start up the machine. After that the main power remains on for the
heating/cooling in the control unit. The machine can be switched on and off using the
key switch on the remote control.
Turn the air supply on and make sure it is at the correct pressure.
Turn the CS8 robot controller on. The controller is located in the middle section of the
blue control unit cabinet mounted on the side of the cutting cell (see photo below).
Turn the plasma unit on.
Turn the gas supply on.
Turn on the machine software using the key switch on the remote
Log on as operator (default password: operator).
The machine interface will appear on screen. Select the ‘Calibration’
screen. Make sure the machine is safe and no material is present.
Activate the robot high power.
Disable the safety lock.
Home the gripper
Home the sideways loading chains
Home the clamps.
Home the top printer
It can take some time for the robot controller to start up (±60 sec.). If it has not started up
completely before the machine software is started an on-screen message will appear
informing the operator. Shut down the machine software, wait a while and try again.