Main Menu
Use the AquaRite S3’s Main Menu to enable/disable functions,
set schedules, turn on Super Chlorination and more. To enter the
AquaRite S3’s Main Menu, press “OK” at the Home Screen.
Chlorination Menu
The Chlorination menu allows you to enable/disable chlorination,
set the desired level of chlorine from 0% to 100%, enable/dis-
able Super Chlorination and view various diagnostic information.
Note that you must press the “OK” button to save any selection
or adjustment.
Use the “+” and “-” buttons to enable or disable chlorination. Press
“OK” to save the selection.
Desired Level %
Use the “+” and “-” buttons to set a desired level of chlorine from
0% to 100%, then press “OK” to save. Note that the AquaRite S3
can only generate chlorine while the filter pump is running. For long
pump run times, you may be able to set the desired level lower. For
shorter run times, increasing the level may be necessary.
After the initial level setting and run time, you may need to raise the
setting when the pool water temperature increases significantly,
when there is higher than normal bather load or when your chlori-
nator cell ages. You may need to lower the setting when the pool
water temperature decreases significantly or there are long periods
of inactivity.
The production of chlorine is affected by the temperature at the TurboCell. Cold temperatures can
decrease the amount of chlorine produced by the AquaRite S3. Extreme temperatures at the cell
(high or low) can result in the AquaRite S3 shutting down chlorination. The table below shows the
affects of temperature on the AquaRite S3’s chlorine output. Note that the temperature at the cell
may be affected by the use of an upstream heater.
Temperature at TurboCell
Chlorine Output
greater than 140ºF
Shut off
60ºF - 140ºF
Desired Level %
50ºF - 59ºF
20% or Desired Level %, whichever is lower
less than 50ºF
Shut off