Four post parking lift Happ25 4 post hoist
Mount the pump assembly onto the column using bolts supplied and connect the hose from pump
assembly to cylinder under main runway.
The pump unit is fitted to multiple models; the outlet hose can be installed on either side
of the control block by swapping the pipe joint for the plug screw on the other side.
Confirm fittings are tight prior to operation.
Install the rods for the safety release mechanism. The HAPP 25 has extra bracing under the runway
which makes this step harder than usual. You will have installed some of rods earlier in readiness for
this step. Install the rods into the runway as shown connecting the T bar to the latches and threading
the connecting rods inside the runway. Make sure the T piece is located in the same position at both
ends. i.e: both ends are at 2pm clock position and tighten the threaded connectors and lock nuts to
ensure the rods remain in the same position. Check and retighten as necessary. Using an open ended
hydraulic ring spanner available from tool stores as shown below and an open ended spanner makes
this task much easier.