Firmware Version 1.21
QSO Number Quick Decrement
From time to time, you may wish to quickly decrement the automatic serial/QSO number.
While this can be done from paddle command mode (QD command) or from within a
message memory (/QD), there is an ever quicker and easier way. Simply press buttons 1
and 2 simultaneously. The buttons will briefly illuminate red, the keyer will send two
dits using sidetone only, and the QSO number will be decremented by one. It will not
decrement past 1; in other words, repeated presses of buttons 1 & 2 will not decrement
the QSO number to zero or past it to 65535.
Quick Speed Readout
You may wish to know what speed the keyer is currently set for. You can use “S?” while
in command mode to get the current speed control range and current speed, but there is a
faster and easier way. Pressing buttons M1 and M3 together will send the current
operating speed, in WPM, via the sidetone only.
Embedded Memory Commands
A number of commands are available for use within a memory message, like the
command used in the previous example. Embedded commands consist of a slant bar and
the command. During the recording and review process (when you are using the memory
button to record or review a message before sending it), you will hear the command itself
and not its effect. For example, you will hear
instead of a repeated word. When the
memory message is played “live” you will hear the result of the command.
Remember that the slant bar character is used to start a command! To send a slant bar as
part of your message, simply use a double slant bar ‘
’. A list of the embedded
commands and how they can be used is shown in the following table, with a more
detailed explanation following:
Command Name
Description / Action
Slant bar
Send a slant bar (-..-.) character
Set or reset the sidetone audio frequency EXCEPT as
noted below.
/A can also be used to auto-start a beacon message. On
power up, the MK-1 will check Message 1 of the
current memory bank for /A in the first two character
positions. If it is found, the message will automatically
be played immediately. This ONLY applies to the first
message (M1) in the currently selected bank.