Firmware Version 1.21
You send: ‘
The keyer responds: ‘
U 13 ?
’ This tells you the User interface (command mode) speed
is set to 13 WPM. The question mark is your “prompt” to let you know the keyer is
ready to accept your next command.
You wish to set the user interface speed to 20 WPM. However, let’s say you haven’t had
your morning coffee yet. Still half awake, you accidentally send: ‘
The keyer will not set the speed to 2 WPM, and again responds: ‘
U 13 ?
Realizing your mistake, you now send: ‘
The keyer responds with ‘
U 20 ?
Now you want to change the weight setting, but don’t remember the range to use.
You send: ‘
The keyer responds with ‘
W 1 9 ?
This indicates that the weight (W command) can be set to any value from 1 through 9.
There are a few commands that can accept two parameters. To set the speed control
range, for example, send
followed by the low and high limits desired. For example, to
set the front panel speed control for a range of 10 to 25 WPM, you would send ‘
R10 25
If you only wish to change the low range limit, simply send the R command with the new
low limit: ‘
’. The keyer will respond with both settings, the same as if you had
entered both. This method also works for the D and J settings (precomp/first element and
AMP OUT lead/tail times).
To exit command mode, simply tap any button OR send the prosign SK . The keyer
responds with “dit dit” and all six buttons will go back to their normal non-illuminated
Shown below is a table of all available Command Mode commands. The text in bold in
the Check and Set columns is what you would send to check or set a parameter.
Characters in square brackets, such as [nn] as in the R and J settings, indicate an optional
parameter. The Response column shows what the keyer will send; values in curly braces
indicate that one of the values shown will be sent. For example, C {0,T}{9,N} means the
keyer will send C, followed by 0 or T, then 9 or N, depending on the current setting.