Firmware Version 1.21
Changes, Errata and Known Issues
From time to time, the firmware that controls your MasterKeyer may be updated. This
may be done to add new features, improve or change existing features or to fix errors or
bugs. This section will list changes from the previous firmware release as well as list any
known issues, errors or bugs.
Notes / Changes
Current bank is checked for autostart on power up (/A in first
two positions of M1).
With NumLock off, numpad 1-6 act as F1-F6 for memory.
Keyboard mode will use USB keyboard if present, otherwise
will use the PC host via the USB B port
If a stuck button or paddle input is detected during power on,
LEDs will indicate it.
Firmware version is stored in SETTINGS.MK1 file
Fixed a couple of missing "OK" confirmations in paddle
command mode
Text sent from paddles now includes spaces when sent to the
host PC
With sufficient effort, a user could set the speed pot hi limit
lower than the lo limit, resulting in some unexpected
behavior. Fixed it.
Timing change to Mode A keying
Y (MYCALL) was missing from the command menu.
/Y command from terminal did not work; now it does.
Fixed undesired interaction between auto space & Farnsworth
Corrected sidetone audio frequency, now within .5% from
500 to 1500Hz
K1EL Winkeyer protocol added.
Message pause will now wait input from the paddle OR from
the USB keyboard, and will automatically resume after a
word space, button push or ENTER key.
/B now supports optional numeric parameter to override the
global beacon delay setting.
In USB keyboard mode, ESC will terminate a message
playing and clear the message queue. END will still clear
only the keyboard buffer.
Sidetone choices are now: Always, Never, Paddle only.
Demo/lamp test mode exits if you tap either paddle or any