Firmware Version 1.21
Congratulations and thank you for the purchase of your new MasterKeyer MK-1! I
believe that this is the most advanced, most fully featured and best Morse code keyer
available to the Amateur Radio operator today. Its combination of power and ease of
use, combined with its ability to be upgraded with new features and capabilities, makes it
unique. Its high quality and rugged construction means it should give you many years of
I have put many hours into the design and testing of this unit. It is my hope that you will
find it easy to operate, powerful and intuitive. If you have suggestions for future
improvements or features you would like to see – or see done better – please do not
hesitate to let me know via email or letter.
I would also like to gratefully acknowledge the work of Steve Elliott, K1EL in
establishing the Winkeyer computer command interface as the standard for
communicating with contest logging software.
Dale Botkin, NØXAS
16624 Elm St.
Omaha, NE 68130-1826
This manual, the design and the firmware contained in the MasterKeyer MK-1 are copyright © 2009 by Dale Botkin
and HamGadgets, all rights reserved.