Firmware Version 1.21
Some commands are not available via the computer port. For example, the P command
to assign the dot paddle can be used only in Paddle Command Mode. There are also
some commands (such as editing messages) that are available from the computer, but are
not available in Paddle Command Mode.
Editing messages from the computer
Any of the 36 message slots can be recorded by entering text from the computer. To
store or edit a memory message, type the memory edit command “/E” followed by the
bank and message number to edit. To edit a message in the currently selected bank, you
can omit the bank number. Examples:
/E 1 1
Edit Bank 1, Message 1
/E 1 6
Edit Bank 1, Message 6
/E 3 2
Edit Bank 3, Message 2
/E 2
Edit Message 2 in the currently selected bank
After you hit ENTER, the keyer will respond by printing the bank and message number,
then the entire contents of that message. If there are characters stored in the message that
are not printable ASCII characters, they will be represented by a special code explained
To leave the message alone without changes, simply hit ENTER. If you wish to delete
the message completely, type a single space character and hit ENTER. Otherwise, you
can type up to 255 characters to be stored in the message slot. Remember that the slant
bar character ‘/’ is used to denote a command. If you wish to send a slant bar as part of
your message, you must use a double slant bar //. For example, if you wish to send:
you would save it as:
If you have characters in your message that do not match up to International Morse Code
characters, they will be represented by a three digit numeric code preceded by a
backslash, like this:
. These can be interpreted as follows:
First, convert the decimal number. In our example, 059 decimal is equal to
00111011 binary.
The character is read from right to left (least significant bit first). A zero indicates
a dot, a one indicates a dash. The left-most one is not included in the character to
be sent. This means our example will be sent as: --.-- (dah-dah-di-dah-dah).