Firmware Version 1.21
K1EL Winkeyer Protocol
Your MasterKeyer will operate with contest logging software that includes support for
the K1EL Winkeyer protocol. Emulation mode is automatic; the MasterKeyer will
respond properly to commands send from a computer via the USB port.
There are a few differences in how commands are implemented by the MasterKeyer. The
first of these differences is a limitation imposed by hardware. The MK-1 does not have a
second set of keying or PTT outputs, so commands to manage the second key & PTT
outputs will be ignored.
The remaining differences are due to the MK-1’s internal program, and reflect decisions
made during the design process:
The MK-1 can use its full range of speed control settings. Also, the MK-1 speed
control knob will still use the “Set speed” range while in emulation mode (see the
note below regarding speed settings, however).
The MK-1 dot/dash ratio is fixed at 1:3, and cannot be altered.
The RESET command (hex 0x00 0x01) does not perform a complete power-on
reset. Internal parameters are reset and emulation mode is closed. This prevents
the USB interface from dropping during a reset.
Because the MK-1’s message memory capacity far exceeds the normal 256-byte
dump format, the Dump EE command (hex 0x00 0x12) does not return any stored
message data.
Similarly, the Load EE command (0x00 0x13) does not store messages.
The full range of sidetone settings is accepted, but the sidetone frequency will only
be set to values between 500 and 3000 Hz.
Weight is set in 10% increments (though any value can be sent).
Set Pin CFG (hex 0x09) does not affect Ultimatic operation.
Paddle watchdog setting does not disable the stuck key safety.
Parameters set by software using Winkeyer commands are temporary, and are not
set permanently. When the program issues the “Host Close” command, all of the
normal MK-1 settings are used once again.
Note also that while in emulation mode, the stored messages normally used are available
as usual. When one of the buttons is pressed, a status update is sent to the host computer
to tell it that a button was pressed and that the keyer is busy sending. It is up to the host
to act upon this status update.
Complete documentation of emulation mode commands and status will be included in a
separate document.
A note regarding speed settings: Setting speeds above 63 WPM while in Winkeyer
emulation mode can cause problems with host mode software. At 64 WPM and above,
the keyer’s speed update byte will appear to be a status byte. This is the case with the
MK-1 or any Winkeyer-based device. To avoid this issue, keep the operating speed
below 64 WPM when in Winkeyer emulation mode.