PCS2 Service Manual
Status messages are alerts that indicate that attention is needed to resolve
an operational problem. Status messages usually do not indicate that a
malfunction has occurred, but in some cases a status message that cannot
be cleared is an indication of a malfunction. An example is a centrifuge
cover latch that passes the system start-up tests, but during operation
causes a message that cannot be cleared requesting the cover to be
latched. This chapter lists status messages which could be displayed if a
hardware failure occurs, but do not usually mean that a hardware failure
has occurred. These status messages are listed along with the CPU
generated error messages.
Error messages are generally categorized in one of two groups: those
which are CPU generated messages, and those which are safety system
generated messages.
By design, the CPU should always detect problems before the safety
system does. In most cases, the fact that the safety system reports the
problem indicates that the CPU is experiencing some type of problem.
Exceptions are state faults caused by improper valve position, or pump
speed and direction problems. In rare cases, the safety system may
respond quicker than the CPU.
A CPU generated message has a text description and is usually
accompanied by a code number. The code number provides a reference to
the problem resolution section of this chapter. The machine operator may
not recall the complete text, but if the code number is noted, the complete
text message can be found in this manual.
CPU generated error messages resemble the following example:
CODE = 50
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