Command Set
System command
Clears the Event Status Register and associated
status data structure.
*ese <NR1>
Sets or returns the current contents of the Standard
Event Status Enable Register as an integer in the range
0 to 255.
Returns the current contents of the Standard Event
Status Register as an integer in the range 0 to 255.
It also clears ESR.
Returns the LCR identification: Manufacturer,
Model No, Serial No, Firmware version.
Example: GW INSTEK, 8101, 0, 2.04
Sets the instrument to local state.
Sets the OPC bit of the ESR register.
Always returns 1 as instrument commands are
always processed sequentially.
Returns the hardware options installed in the
Example: 1MHz, GPIB, RS232, GRAPH MODE
Resets the LCR-8000G.
*sre <NR1>
Sets or returns the current contents of the Service
Request Enable Register as an integer in the range 0 to
63 and 128 to 255.
Reads Status Operation Condition register.
Sets Status Operation Enable register.
Reads Status Operation Event register.