Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Parking with Drill Folded
1. Raise, lock and fold drill into transport position.
2. Park drill on a level, solid area.
3. Remove tongue jack from its storage location on top
of tongue and pin it on post on left side of tongue as
shown on page 18. Extend jack until weight of
tongue is on jack. If ground is soft, place a board or
plate under jack to widen ground-contact area.
4. Unplug hydraulic hoses and electrical lines from
5. Remove hitch pin first, then safety chain from tractor
draw bar.
Store the drill where children do not play. If possible,
store it inside for longer life.
1. Perform the drill Parking checklist.
2. Lock up openers or disconnect seed hoses, to
prevent seed hose deformation.
3. Lubricate the drill at all points listed under
Lubrication and Scheduled Maintenance
4. Check all bolts, pins, fittings and hoses. Tighten,
repair or replace parts as needed.
5. Check all moving parts for wear or damage. Make
notes of any parts needing repair before the next
6. Plug or cap seed delivery and fertilizer tubes to
prevent pest entry.
7. Use touch-up paint to cover scratches, chips and
worn areas to prevent rust.