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It is important to check the range of the radio control system: switch the radio control system on, hold the
transmitter in your hands, and walk about 50 m away from the boat. All the radio-controlled functions
should continue to work normally at this range.
in optimum conditions the maximum range is up to 75
Ensure that the channel you intend to use is not already occupied by another modeller. Never run the boat
if you are not certain that your channel is free.
Note that other radio equipment and transmitting stations may cause serious interference to the model’s
receiving system. If possible, ensure that no such apparatus is in use in the vicinity while you are operating
the boat.
Switch the model’s radio system off before carrying out any work on the boat.
Dry cells and rechargeable batteries must never be short-circuited, nor allowed to come into direct contact
with water.
Remove all batteries from the model and the transmitter when you know you will not be using them in the
near future.
The transmitter’s integral charge socket is not compatible with standard Graupner charge leads. Please ask
for advice at your model shop if you wish to use rechargeable batteries in the transmitter; the staff will be
able to recommend a suitable combination of a Graupner charger and a charging box for the batteries.
Do not subject the model to high levels of humidity, heat, cold or dirt.
Secure the model and the transmitter when transporting them, as they may be seriously damaged if they
are free to slide about.
operate the model on moving water (e.g. a river), as it could easily be washed away downstream if
the wind conditions change.
If you have to
the model, take care
not to risk your own life or that of others.
Check regularly that the boat is completely watertight, as it may sink if too much water enters the hull.
Check the model for damage before every run, and ensure that water cannot penetrate the hull.
Allow the boat to dry out thoroughly after use.
Care and maintenance
Clean the model carefully after every run, and remove any water which gets inside the hull. If water gets
into any of the RC components, dry them out and send them to your nearest GRAUPNER Service Centre
for checking.
Clean the model and the transmitter using suitable cleaning agents only. We recommend wiping with a lint-
free cloth.
use chemical cleaners, solvents, petrol, white spirit or similar.
The radio control equipment
Insert the dry batteries in the transmitter with correct polarity. Switch the transmitter on,
and the LEDs on the front panel will light up.
Always switch the transmitter on first, and only then the receiver.
Always switch the receiver off first, and only then the transmitter.
Check that the model’s working systems operate correctly: if the direction of operation of
any function does not meet your wishes, you can change it using the servo reverse
switches on the transmitter: these are the small black switches which are protected from
accidental operation by the chromed bar.
Never run your model boat with flat batteries in the transmitter or the model. The
batteries in the model have to “work harder”, and you can expect them to be exhausted
earlier. They must therefore be replaced before the transmitter batteries. If you are not
sure whether the batteries still hold enough charge, it is always best to replace them with
new ones. Many shops
have battery testers
which you can use to
check your own batteries.
Which LED glows
Meaning of the LED indicators
Transmitter batteries in good condition;
transmitter ready for use
Only red and orange
LEDs glow
Transmitter batteries almost flat; prepare to
cease operations and replace batteries
Only red LED glows
Transmitter batteries completely discharged;
cease operations immediately and replace