There are various pre-defined setting options of the temperature from which the profiles can
Moreover, the expert laundry operator can set an arbitrary heating value according to specific
In correspondence of the chosen temperature value, the washing programme icon changes
colour and indicates the maximum temperature set inside the modules of the washing pro-
This menu also includes the "disinfection YES/NO" option
If activated, the set temperature is monitored. Should the temperature drop below the indi-
cated values, an alarm will be triggered alerting the operator about the anomaly.
There are three pre-defined heating settings.
No heating;
Balanced water loading with heating.
In the first case, the heating resistances will never be activated.
In the second case, GUIDO® balances the tub water inlets autonomously to minimise or elimi-
nate heating activation time.
You can also decide how to display the temperature when the washing programme is running:
Not displayed
In the first case, GUIDO
indicates the real value read by the probe. The second option dis-
plays only the value set as set-point, while the third option allows you to choose which value
must be displayed. This value does not effect the heating process.
The last option allows you to not display the temperature value.
In addition, it is possible to set a cooling process, useful for delicate fabrics and washes at
medium/high temperature.
The water in the tub must be reduced before the final draining and going to the subsequent
This can be carried out thanks to the three items described below:
Cooling temperature
Cooling level
Cooling litres
Where "cooling level" means up to which level of water in the tub cold water must be loaded
to decrease temperature; while with "cooling litres," the concept is the same but expressed in
litres and not in cm.