To talk to a local or remote computer, you can use the Rs-422 serial port, mini USB
port or Ethernet port.
The Rs-422 serial port has both a 'input' and 'thru' ports, to allow multiple Rs-422
port devices to be easily daisy chained together into a simple serial network using
simple Rj-12 cables. Each individual device on the
network is given a unique eight bit address, so
you can have up to 256 devices on each
network. This Rs-422 port is completely
compatible with the Rs-422 ports found on the
Br-Brain4, Br-ANA, Br-ZBR and other
The mini USB port can be used to plug a
computer into the Br-EFB. If the computer
has the appropriate drivers installed, its
operating system will open the USB port
and begin communicating with it. The
Br-EFB will then appear as a 'COM' port to
the PC, and can be accessed using GilderTerm or any
other serial terminal software.
!!!! The ethernet port can be used to communicate with the Br-EFB
using simple !!!! formatted text data, or by using the built-in web server and just about
any web browser on your PC, tablet or smartphone.
The Br-EFBs are designed to be used as stand-alone show controllers, as a
‘master’ sending data to other devices that act as ‘slaves’ on a DMX-512 network, or
as ‘slaves’ themselves, receiving DMX-512 data from a ‘master’ elsewhere on the
DMX-512 network:
Br-EFB running standalone or acting as a ‘Master’
: In this mode of
operation, data for the outputs is stored in the standard micro Sd, SdHC or
SdXc flash cards as Gilderfluke & Co. AutoDownload files.
When being running as a standalone controller or as a ‘master’, an
Br-EFB acts just like any other Gilderfluke & Co. Brick, playing animation
data from the micro Sd card. The Br-EFB can be set to start and play a
show at power up, or only play when triggered to do so. The start trigger
can come through the two optically isolated trigger inputs, the Rs-422
serial port, the mini USB port, or the Ethernet port. The Br-EFB then uses
the show data stored in the Flash Memory to update its outputs and the
DMX-512 network at the appropriate frame rate.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 13 of 142