2) Selecting the sequencer you would like to modify and clicking on the
‘Sequencer Settings’ button on the AutoDownload dialog (next to
where you select the sequencer for the startup and input actions)
3) Opening the ‘Device Settings’ dialog and pressing the ‘Sequencer
Settings’ buttons
j) If there is an attempt to start a show while another show which is
is already running, these ‘early’ starts can be ‘banked’.
This setting shows how deeply stored starts can be ‘banked’. These are
set on the ‘Sequencer Settings’ dialog. The ‘Sequencer Settings’ dialog
is accessed by:
1) Opening the Channels List, changing the ‘Show by’ to ‘Show by
Sequencers’, and double clicking on the sequencer you want to
2) Selecting the sequencer you would like to modify and clicking on the
‘Sequencer Settings’ button on the AutoDownload dialog (next to
where you select the sequencer for the startup and input actions)
3) Opening the ‘Device Settings’ dialog and pressing the ‘Sequencer
Settings’ buttons
k) Show Names. This displays both the ‘short’ (DOS 8.3) names and the
longer names saved in the v1.1 AutoDownload extended header
l) v1.0 AutoDownload file header
m) Each of the shows including:
1) Show’s numeric position in the AutoDownload file
2) Show’s ‘short’ (DOS 8.3) name
3) Offset to the ‘start’ of the show
4) Length of the show (in frames)
5) Under the ‘S’, whether the show is
1) ‘Steppable’ (interruptible if a new show request arrives while
this show is playing) is shown by a ‘Y’
2) ‘non-Steppable’ (uninterruptible if a new show request arrives
while this show is playing) is shown by a ‘N’
6) Under the ‘L’, whether the show is
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 94 of 142
Uninterruptible if a new show request arrives while this show is playing