4) Use the 'x) eXit' command. Changed values will be saved, and the Br-EFB
will exit configuration mode.
Go through steps 1 through 4 on each axis of the Br-EFB to set up all four PID
servo loops.
Set Input Voltages
This sets the range of voltage for the position feedback sensor input. The
possible input range settings are: +/-10 volts, +/-5 volts, 0-10 Volts or 0-5 volts.
On each press of this command, the Br-EFB steps to the next possible setting.
The default input range for the position feedback inputs is +/-10 vdc. On each
press, the selected input is rotated through the possible input range settings:
+/-10 volts, +/-5 volts, 0-10 Volts, 0-5 volts or disabled.
Polarity Wizard
This command sets a Setpoint voltage that is near the current Position
Feedback voltage. The Br-EFB will then slowly raise the gain. When the gain
reaches a level where the actuator starts to move, the Br-EFB will try to move
the actuator towards the Setpoint. If it is successful, the Br-EFB will have
determined the 'phase' of the servo Position Feedback loop, and corrected it if
PID Wizard
This opens the PID Wizard page. The PID Wizard will be able to adjust the
setting that control the feedback loop in many actuators.
Set Min/Max/Jog w/keypad
After you have adjusted the PID loop, but before you run any show data
through an axis, you should set the final ends of travel. More details on this
command can be found on the Main Menu.
You can use this same command to prior to adjusting the PID loop to set your
preliminary endpoints, but assuming the loop is ‘tighter’ after you have adjusted
it, the endpoint settings will be more accurate if run after tuning.
M) More...
Output to Test & Adjust
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 104 of 142