When the Br-EFB does an EaseIn, these EaseIns will include all analog
channels that have the EaseIn function enabled. If the Br-EFB is being used as
the DMX-512 'Master' on a DMX-512 network, the EaseIn includes both the local
Br-EFB outputs, and all EaseIn enabled analog channels that are controlled by
the DMX-512 network.
The exception to this is the EaseIn that is
generated when the Output Enable input on
the Br-EFB is activated. This EasesIn only the
Br-EFB's local outputs.
Individual analog output channels can have
the EaseIn enabled or disabled on the Analog
Channel Dialogs in Pc•MACs. By default, the
EaseIn is enabled on most analogs output
channels as they are added to Pc•MACs. You
will typically want to disable EaseIns to control
channels for Intelligent lights, strobes, and
similar control channels.
This command allows you to select the
amount of time any output will take to ramp
from one extreme to the other. The range of
time available is:
Ease-In is disabled
0.25 seconds
0.50 seconds
0.75 seconds
1.00 seconds
1.50 seconds
2.00 seconds
2.50 seconds
3.00 seconds
10) 4.00 seconds
11) 5.00 seconds
12) 6.00 seconds
13) 7.00 seconds
14) 8.00 seconds
15) 9.00 seconds
16) 10.0 seconds
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 66 of 142