4) Use the 'x) eXit' command. Changed values will be saved, and the Br-EFB
will exit configuration mode.
The Br-EFB does this by moving the actuator to mid-stroke and then making a
series of small steps as the Proportional ('P') gain is raised until it is high enough to
put the actuator into a sustainable oscillation. The period of the oscillation is
measured, and from this the Br-EFB mathematically derives the proper settings for the
Proportional ('P'), Integral ('I') and Derivative ('D') gains.
Because the this function will potentially cause the actuator to move faster than it
would under normal circumstances, the previous warning is presented. Actuator
movement will not start until you type a 'Y' for the answer 'yes'.
PID Wizard in Progress
If you need to abort the PID Wizard while it is in process, you can hit any key on the
keyboard, or remove the enabling voltage from the Valve Enable input.
- Gilderfluke & Co. - Electronic Feedback Card - version 1.00 - copyright 2018 -
Uptime: 99:23:59:59, Serial Address: 123, IP:
ADL: Lorenzo (2015-12-25 0744) w/503 channels @ 12 Offset
Show #4 (of 210) Night Mode looping @ 00:19:49.22
DeviceName PID Wizard looking for Gain & Period for axis x
Ultimate Gain: 11.512, Ultimate Period: 273.37 ms
1) Proportional (P) gain: 3.799; Use P only
2) Integral (I) gain: 0.137; Use P and I
3) Derivative (D) gain: 0.091; Use P, I and D
+) Tighter tune, -) Looser tune, Tightness: 50
j) address to test: 123
k) testing: none
resolution: 8 Bits
figure: FigureName
output: OutputName
r) Run PID Wizard
m) More, n) Next, l) Last, i) Info, o) def, p) Play, h) Halt, v) Verify, x) eXit
Press any key to abort the PID Wizard-
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 114 of 142