c) playing status (looping, playing, stopped, paused, E-Stopped,
d) frame number into the current show
h) Status of both of the optically isolated trigger inputs
D) Start Commands:
“t” (card address)
! !
Start Track:
! !
Start Global:
Instead of the ‘start’ commands, the ‘loop’ commands are generally a
better choice. The difference between the ‘start’ and ‘loop’ commands are
that at the end of a show which is started with a ‘loop’, it will check to see if
any actions were set for the end of the show. A show that is started with
the ‘start’ command will play to the end and then just stop and wait for the
next command.
These commands start the animation playing on the Br-EFB(s)
addressed by the command. The shows will always start from the
beginning (frame zero). If an addressed Br-EFB is looping shows, it will
have the ‘LOOPING SHOWS’ flag reset.
If the Br-EFB receives a start command after it has received a request
for a specific show, it will play that show. Otherwise it will play the show
that has been set as the ‘next’ show for the show which is currently playing
(or most recently played show if it is not currently playing). If this is the first
show played after an Br-EFB is reset, it will play the show which has been
set as the ‘first’ show during the AutoDownload. Requests for specific
shows can come only from the serial port.
When shows are downloaded to the Br-EFB, they can be set to ignore
additional start commands while they are playing. This allows individual
shows to be ‘stepped’ upon or not. If the Br-EFB is already playing a show
which has this option set, it will ignore this command.
E) Stop Commands:
“x” (card address)
Stop Track:
! !
Stop Global:
These commands stop the selected Br-EFB(s) unconditionally.
The stop takes place at the current frame being played.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 136 of 142