Gigaset SX353 / englisch / A31008-X353-B100-1-7619 / glossary.fm / 08.10.2003
Call divert (via second B channel) / internal call divert
While external call divert takes place in the local telephone exchange of the network
provider, internal call divert is implemented by your telephone. Your telephone
diverts the call via the second line of your ISDN connection. This means
both phone
lines are engaged for the duration of the call
. You pay the charges for the
connection to the forwarding number. However, you save yourself the network
provider's charges for this function.
Call forwarding during the call phase
CD, Call Deflection. Must be explicitly enabled by the network provider for each ISDN
connection. CD enables an incoming call to be forwarded to any phone number
while it is ringing, without having to answer the call. Because the caller has no affect
on where it is forwarded (for example, to a mobile phone), you will pay the resulting
charges. The caller must only pay the normal telephone charges to the connection
he dialled.
Call transfer (e.g., for ISDN PABX's)
ECT, Explicit Call Transfer. User A calls User B. He puts the connection on hold and
calls User C. Rather than connect everyone in a three-party conference, A now
transfers User B to C and hangs up.
Call waiting
CW, Call Waiting. Service provided by the network provider. An acoustic signal
during a call indicates that another caller is waiting. In addition, ISDN phones
indicate this with a displayed message. You can then decide whether to accept or
reject the second call.
Call waiting protection
Deactivates the call waiting signal.
Callback on busy
Callback must first be activated on the caller's terminal. A connection is established
automatically as soon as the destination phone is no longer busy. As soon as the
connection is free the caller is rung back. As soon as the caller lifts his receiver the
connection is made automatically.
Callback on no answer
If a user does not respond when called, a caller can arrange an automatic callback.
As soon as the destination phone has completed a call and is free again the caller is
rung back. This service must be supported by the exchange. The callback request is
automatically cancelled after approximately 2 hours (depending on the telephone
Caller identification
Displays caller's phone number, name or type of connection (e.g., exchange/
internal) on the telephone screen.
Caller list
Depending on the setting, the caller list contains callers you haven't reached, or
those you have spoken to. The last 20 missed calls and the last 20 answered calls are
stored with their phone number, date and time. If you wish, you can call back these
callers directly from the list.